DTF with the best!
" The times, they are a-changin' "
Risk-free trials are still available and if you purchased your Epson direct to garment printer FROM All American, you are entitled to a pretty nice discount off of MSRP. However, even with all of the above mentioned benefits and the sheer fact the ink savings can literally pay for the program over time some folks have still not jumped on the Kothari wagon yet.
Well thanks to All American Print Supply the power of direct to film printing is now available to be sent in a single job with the Epson F3070 using Garment Creator - without the need to purchase an additional RIP software upgrade. Recently on our channel we gave the world premiere of step-by-step how to unlock this hidden feature in the free Epson program to send DTF prints with the correct ink layering. In our handy reference guide we walk you through adjustment by adjustment on how to set up your own custom profile for these transfers.
It is worth mentioning that registration issues with the ink layers may be present initially. These issues can require what we call ‘feed adjustments’. The F3070 was designed as a one-pass printer, meaning that it lays down the CMYK + WHITE ink layers almost simultaneously. In order to properly run direct to film, we'll need to reverse this process and essentially run the machine backwards. Luckily, the feed adjustment video we prepared a while back will make this a much smoother process.
The same reason you put higher octane gas in a performance vehicle you want to outfit your racecar of a printer with the right fuel to get the job done and maximize what it is truly capable of. While Kothari NeoRIP is the clear cut choice to not only get the best prints possible, but also to be more profitable with every job by saving ink and delivering the highest grade direct to film transfers made with a DTG printer - there are now options for those who opt for the free Garment Creator Epson software. YOU'RE WELCOME.
Meet our author
Estevan Romero
Brand Marketing Lead
Esteven Romero began making YouTube videos back in 2017 to help new business owners learn how to use their products and grow their operation.
He has been featured in many companies' content such as Siser North America, Key Print Co and more. He has been featured as a speaker/presenter nationwide across the tradeshow circuit sharing information and insight to the print community audience and brings 13+ years of experience to the table.
You can meet Estevan and more of the friendly All American Print Supply Co team by visiting the company live events calendar and our YouTube channel.